Spent Acid Neutralization Systems

5-5000 GPM Automated Systems

Call us: 1-877-685-0760

Waste Acid Neutralization Systems

System Features
  1. Skid Mounted
  2. Turnkey Construction
  3. Minimal Installation Time
  4. Completely Automated
  5. NEMA 4X, UL 508
  6. State of the Art Controls
  7. Bi-Directional pH Control.
  8. Will handle concentrated acid and waste acids from any source.
  9. Will handle concentrated alkali / alkaline wastewaters from any source.
  10. High Temperature Design with process cooling.

Waste Acid Neutralization System
Waste Acid Neutralization System with temperature limiting and cold water quench

 Optional Equipment

  1. Influent Equalization
  2. Influent / Effluent Lift Stations
  3. Final Effluent Monitoring
  4. Effluent Sampling
  5. SCADA System Monitoring
  6. Duplex Systems for Redundancy
  7. Bulk Chemical Delivery
  8. Explosion Proof Design

Waste acids such as battery Acid (as an example), the electrolyte in all lead / acid cell batteries, is sulfuric acid (H2SO4)at a concentration of between 15 and 35% At this concentration sulfuric acid is very dangerous and will react with almost everything especially organic material including human flesh..

All acids must be neutralized before disposal and battery acid, although very dangerous, can be safely neutralized yielding harmless salts. The heat liberated from the neutralization of sulfuric acid (battery acid) is very high and can result in a temperature rise of over 1000C (2120F). In the lab we have measured temperatures as high as 2500F

If extreme care is not exercised the energy released during the neutralization cycle can be explosive and, at a minimum, be sufficient to melt all thermoplastics. Digital Analysis utilizes a unique process for the neutralization of battery acid one in which the rate of reaction is constantly controlled and is limited by temperature. As the temperature of the process rises and begins to approach a field defined setpoint the rate of reaction is slowed or even halted as is dictated by the rate of rise. Additionally, cooling water can be added in the event that the temperature rises beyond a safe level.

Our waste acid neutralizers can be used to neutralize any concentrated acid (or base) not just battery acid. These systems are also very well equipped to neutralize almost any concentration of waste acids and bases.

Our battery acid neutralization systems are based upon our standard pHASE product line and are rated in gallons per hour (GPH) as opposed to GPM (see chart below).

Standard Materials of Construction*

*Alternate materials of construction available.

MODEL Average Flow* (GPH) Max Peak Flow* (GPH) Treatment Tank Volume (Gallons) Skid Dimensions
pH05 50 75 155 40" x 40" x 60"(H)
pH10 100 150 360 48" x 48" x 60"(H)
pH15 150 250 475 34" x 65" x 60"(H)
pH20 200 600 475 34" x 65" x 60"(H)
pH30 250 280 660 44" x 85" x 62"(H)
pH40 275 300 660 44" x 85" x 62"(H)
*Average Flow = Average 60 minute flow volume.
*Peak Flow = Peak flow rate for less than 5 minutes.
*Throughput is a function of influent chemistry and will be less with concentrated acids and bases.
For higher flows please see our batchTREAT Family of pH Neutralization Systems.

Note: pH Systems with flows in excess of 10,000 GPM are available

Note pHASE®is a registered trademark of Digital Analysis Corp.